May 13


Schools Over Stadiums remains committed to stopping Nevada tax dollars from paying for a stadium for a California billionaire, and we are disappointed Nevada voters will not have their say in 2024. With this guidance, Schools Over Stadiums plans to refile our petition next year and win in 2026. Nevada voters deserve the opportunity to decide where their money goes. While we are organizing toward 2026, Schools Over Stadiums will continue to fund the constitutional challenge to Senate Bill 1. We believe Senate Bill 1 is unconstitutional, and we have identified five violations of the Nevada Constitution that should lead to the bill’s invalidation. Nevada ranks 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes and highest educator vacancy rates in the nation. We will never lose sight that our campaign is about Nevada’s misplaced priorities, and we will not stop fighting until we ensure Nevada commits to delivering a high quality education to every student.

Schools Over Stadiums was formed by Nevada educators in response to a giveaway of hundreds of millions in tax dollars to a California billionaire for a stadium, when Nevada schools rank 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the nation. Schools Over Stadiums is pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium.

Feb 5


(Carson City, NV) - On February 5, 2024, Strong Public Schools Nevada together with prominent education leaders filed a constitutional challenge against Senate Bill 1 (SB1) which provides up to $380M in taxpayer funds to construct a baseball stadium. Senate Bill 1 is riddled with constitutional violations and our goal is to ensure public funds are not used for a misguided stadium project. We believe SB1 violates five (5) sections of the State Constitution and those violations should lead to the bill’s invalidation.  Vicki Kreidel is an elementary reading specialist for grades 1-5 President of NEA of Southern Nevada, and one of the Plaintiffs. “Educators throughout Nevada are frustrated by the lack of focus by politicians on real priorities, like public education. There’s been more planning of a “world class” stadium than there has been implementing a funding plan to ensure a “world class” education for our kids. These misguided priorities are why Nevada continually ranks at the bottom of all the good lists." Chris Giunchigliani is a career education leader, public servant, and one of the Plaintiffs. “Even though public education and other services are woefully underfunded in Nevada, politicians chose to direct precious tax dollars to a billionaire’s stadium project. Hopefully this legal challenge will reset the debate, so state leaders can instead focus on meeting the needs of everyday Nevadans.” Since the misguided proposal to divert public school dollars to for-profit and private schools, Strong Public Schools Nevada has been working to make public education a priority in Nevada. This litigation continues our work to support public education and oppose the diversion of public money for private or corporate use. Strong Public Schools Nevada is in solidarity with our sister committee, Schools Over Stadiums, which is pursuing a referendum to ensure hundreds of millions in public money goes to essential services like public education. 

Schools Over Stadiums was formed by Nevada educators in response to a giveaway of hundreds of millions in tax dollars to a California billionaire for a stadium, when Nevada schools rank 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the nation. Schools Over Stadiums is pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium. This includes litigation as well as giving Nevadans the opportunity to vote to stop this misguided project. Strong Public Schools Nevada is a non-profit political action committee affiliated with the Nevada State Education Association for the purposes of supporting public education and opposing the diversion of public money for private or corporate uses.

Nov 14

Law Authorizing A’s Stadium Riddled with Constitutional Violations - Schools Over Stadiums to File Suit in Coming Weeks

While pursuing a referendum petition to block the use of state tax dollars in the A’s Las Vegas stadium project, Schools Over Stadiums has also been looking deeper into conflicts between the language of Senate Bill 1 authorizing the stadium deal and the Constitution of the State of Nevada. Dawn Etcheverry is an elementary music teacher and President of Schools Over Stadiums. “After several months of organizing, our commitment to blocking the use of public funds for the stadium project has only grown stronger. We believe SB1 violates at least 5 sections of the state Constitution which should lead to the bill’s partial or total invalidation. We have asked legal counsel to draft litigation and will be filing to overturn SB1 in Nevada District Court in the coming weeks.” Relevant Sections of the Constitution of the State of Nevada… - Article IV, § 18(2) …an affirmative vote of not fewer than two-thirds of the members elected to each House is necessary to pass a bill or joint resolution which creates, generates, or increases any public revenue in any form, including but not limited to taxes, fees, assessments and rates, or changes in the computation bases for taxes, fees, assessments and rates. - Article IV, § 19 No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law. - Article IV, § 21: …in all other cases where a general law can be made applicable, all laws shall be general and of uniform operation throughout the state. - Article IX, § 3 The State may contract public debts; but such debts shall never, in the aggregate, exclusive of interest, exceed the sum of two per cent of the assessed valuation of the State… Every such debt shall be authorized by law for some purpose or purposes, to be distinctly specified therein; and every such law shall provide for levying an annual tax sufficient to pay the interest semiannually, and the principal within twenty years from the passage of such law, and shall specially appropriate the proceeds of said taxes to the payment of said principal and interest; and such appropriation shall not be repealed nor the taxes postponed or diminished until the principal and interest of said debts shall have been wholly paid. - Article IX, § 4 The State shall never assume the debts of any county, town, city or other corporation whatever, unless such debts have been created to repel invasion[,] suppress insurrection or to provide for the public defense

Schools Over Stadiums was formed by Nevada educators in response to a giveaway of hundreds of millions in tax dollars to a California billionaire for a stadium, when Nevada schools rank 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the nation. Schools Over Stadiums is pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium.

Nov 8


Rob Manfred MLB Office of the Commissioner 1271 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10120 Dear Commissioner Manfred, My name is Dawn Etcheverry, and I am an elementary music teacher and President of the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA). NSEA has been the voice of Nevada educators for over 120 years and is the Nevada affiliate of the National Education Association, the largest labor union in the United States with over 3 million members. This summer, NSEA launched Schools Over Stadiums to challenge the use of $380M in public funds to subsidize the construction of a new stadium in Las Vegas. After several months of organizing, our commitment to blocking the use of public funds for the stadium project has only grown stronger. NSEA launched Schools Over Stadiums after Nevada once again fell short in prioritizing public education during the last legislative session. Nevada ranks 48th in education funding, even behind Mississippi, and has the nation’s largest class sizes. We also are experiencing the worst teacher shortage in the country, leaving thousands of Nevada classrooms doubled up or covered by substitute teachers. This chronic underfunding compromises the basic function of public education in our state. In May, nearly a thousand educators and supporters rallied in front of the Legislature in Carson City calling on elected officials to invest additional funds into our classrooms. Instead, we got Mr. Fisher’s stadium deal, with nothing more for our students. During the stadium debate, Oakland A’s fans organizing to save their team made a special connection with Nevada educators. In addition to testifying together, fans and educators connected on social media. Oakland fans were quick to sympathize with Nevada educators working in poorly funded schools. As a result, many Nevada teachers noticed their Donor’s Choose lists for classroom supplies were cleared by Oakland fans they met online. Oakland fans. This engendered a strong feeling of solidarity. While you must decide if the A’s move from Oakland to Las Vegas is in the best interest of baseball, let me express in no uncertain terms that the Las Vegas stadium deal is bad for Nevada educators and every Nevadan who cares about our schools. Schools Over Stadiums remains committed to qualifying a referendum petition for the November 2024 ballot. We are working to clear a procedural hurdle regarding our petition language, but Nevada educators are used to overcoming obstacles every day. We are confident that when Nevada voters go to the polls next year, they will choose schools over stadiums. Additionally, Schools Over Stadiums has been looking deeper into conflicts between the language of Senate Bill 1 authorizing the stadium deal and the Constitution of the State of Nevada. We believe there are several violations which should lead to the bill’s partial or total invalidation if challenged in Court. Finally, it should be noted that these types of stadium deals are not unique to Nevada. Many of my colleagues from around the country have closely followed the developments of Schools Over Stadiums which could serve as a model for opposition to the use of public funds for stadium projects. I appreciate your attention to this matter. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about our efforts here in Nevada. Thank you. Dawn Etcheverry, President

Schools Over Stadiums was formed by Nevada educators in response to a giveaway of hundreds of millions in tax dollars to a California billionaire for a stadium, when Nevada schools rank 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the nation. Schools Over Stadiums is pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium. This includes litigation as well as giving Nevadans the opportunity to vote to stop this misguided project.

Nov 8


(CARSON CITY, NV) - While the decision is disappointing, it’s not uncommon. Educators overcome obstacles every day, especially in a state ranked 48th in the nation with the largest class sizes and highest vacancies. We’re undeterred and still committed to giving Nevada voters the opportunity to decide whether their tax dollars are used to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium. Schools Over Stadiums will appeal this decision to the Nevada Supreme Court and/or refile the referendum petition. As the judge pointed out, there’s plenty of time before the signature deadline in July of 2024. We remain confident Nevada voters will choose schools over stadiums next November.

Schools Over Stadiums was formed by Nevada educators in response to a giveaway of hundreds of millions in tax dollars to a California billionaire for a stadium, when Nevada schools rank 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the nation. Schools Over Stadiums is pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium.



(Carson City, NV) - On September 27, 2023, Schools Over Stadiums was served with a lawsuit filed by representatives with ties to the A’s challenging our referendum petition seeking to repeal the state tax funding dedicated to stadium bonds in Senate Bill 1 from the 35th Special Session. “When we launched Schools Over Stadiums in June, an A’s representative called to pressure me into abandoning our effort to refocus Nevada’s misguided priorities,” said Dawn Etcheverry, an elementary music teacher and President of Schools Over Stadiums. “Educators will not be intimidated or bullied. Some in our community claim to support educators and schools, but when we advocate to prioritize public education, they say, ‘No, not like that.’” For weeks, stadium proponents dismissed the Schools Over Stadiums petition effort, saying it wouldn’t impact their stadium plans, but now they are suing educators for not fully describing the petition’s “substantive impacts” on the project. This A’s stadium plan is like a house of cards, but the public should be aware the deck has been stacked against those who oppose public money going to a billionaire’s stadium. Powerful special interests are now suing teachers to prevent a referendum petition from moving forward to block the voice of everyday Nevadans at the ballot. Both Plaintiffs are well-connected lobbyists with close ties to a member of the Las Vegas Stadium Authority that just approved a controversial $1.8M contract with the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) for staffing needs related to the proposed stadium. “Suing educators trying to put schools first sets a terrible tone for an organization claiming to now care about our community,” said Alexander Marks of Schools Over Stadiums. “Educators overcome challenges every day. Schools Over Stadiums is confident our referendum will move forward and we will be gathering signatures to fix Nevada’s misguided priorities in the coming weeks.”

Schools Over Stadiums was formed by Nevada educators in response to a giveaway of hundreds of millions in tax dollars to a California billionaire for a stadium, when Nevada schools rank 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the nation. Schools Over Stadiums is pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium. This includes litigation as well as giving Nevadans the opportunity to vote to stop this misguided project.

Sept 6


(Carson City, NV) - On September 6, 2023, Schools Over Stadiums filed a referendum petition seeking to repeal the state tax funding dedicated to stadium bonds in Senate Bill 1 from the 35th Special Session. “Schools Over Stadiums has been committed to pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium and that has always included putting the question to Nevada voters who were effectively shut out of the process,” said Dawn Etcheverry, a music teacher and President of NSEA and Schools Over Stadiums. “Nevada’s priorities are misguided and when we launched Schools Over Stadiums in June, our goal was to ensure that public funds go to the services Nevadans depend on like our public schools, not to a California billionaire for a stadium.”  During the 82nd Legislative Session, Legislators failed to hear a single bill to reduce Nevada’s overcrowded classrooms, the largest in the nation, and made no movement on generating new revenue streams for our schools. Shortly after Session, a report was released showing Nevada leading the nation in educator vacancies. While those important issues went unaddressed, the Governor and Legislature moved their focus to the needs of John Fisher and his lobbyists. For 8 days, Nevada politicians singularly focused on financing a “world-class” stadium for a California billionaire, while ignoring Nevada’s second-class education system. “This referendum petition will target specific parts of Senate Bill 1 to strip public funding for the proposed stadium regardless of what State and County officials agree do in any sort of development deal,” said Alexander Marks, spokesperson for Schools Over Stadiums. “We’re excited to get out there and start gathering signatures from Nevadans who want to put our schools first. We’re confident that a majority of Nevadans will join us in taking action to put Nevada’s priorities back in line so we can address an education system that ranks 48th in funding with the largest class sizes and highest vacancies in the country.”

Schools Over Stadiums was formed by Nevada educators in response to a giveaway of hundreds of millions in tax dollars to a California billionaire for a stadium, when Nevada schools rank 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the nation. Schools Over Stadiums is pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium.

Jul 12

Schools Over Stadiums Demands Greater Accountability from Stadium Proponents

School Over Stadiums was formed by Nevada educators in response to a giveaway of hundreds of millions in tax dollars to a California billionaire for a stadium, when Nevada schools rank 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the nation. Schools Over Stadiums is pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium. This includes litigation as well as giving Nevadans the opportunity to vote to stop this misguided project. During the 82nd Legislative Session, the Governor and Legislative leaders focused on greater accountability and transparency related to public education. Governor Joe Lombardo claimed he would work “to ensure our systems of accountability and transparency are robust and enforced.” Speaker Steve Yeager called hours-long hearings with school districts related to “the importance of accountability and transparency.”   Andrea DeMichieli is a school counselor and officer with Schools Over Stadiums. “While educators appreciated the calls for greater accountability for our schools, we believe at least the same standards should apply when gifting hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars to out of state billionaires. Failing to register as lobbyists and disclose for whom you are working is the opposite of transparency and accountability, and everyone involved should demand better.”  

Schools Over Stadiums was formed by Nevada educators in response to a giveaway of hundreds of millions in tax dollars to a California billionaire for a stadium, when Nevada schools rank 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the nation. Schools Over Stadiums is pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium. This includes litigation as well as giving Nevadans the opportunity to vote to stop this misguided project.



LA Times

Nevada teachers’ union launches action to halt public funding for A’s stadium

Las Vegas Sun

A’s fans, Nevada teachers group unite to fight stadium funding package 

Sports Illustrated

Schools Over Stadiums Hoping to Provide Challenge to A's Las Vegas Ballpark Plans 

LV Review Journal

Nevada teachers union working to stop state funds toward A’s ballpark

San Francisco Chronicle

Oakland and MLB are still talking. Why? And where do the Vegas-bound A's fit in?